Type of media
Sexist, the ads? Campaigning with posters against sexism
Because it must attract attention and convey a message in a few words, advertising uses and sometimes abuses denigrating stereotypes. Look around you ! Through this course, which allows students to grasp the mechanisms of advertising, they become aware of gender stereotypes by identifying them in advertising. They then use this to design a poster campaign against sexism.
By analysing the roles and functions that poster advertising can take, the various strategies it uses and the elements that make it up, this learning scenario invites students to understand how advertising comes to use gender stereotypes. They put themselves in the shoes of advertisers in order to question what an advertisement fighting against gender stereotypes could be and finalize by producing anti -sexist campaign.

Advertising poster created by 14-15 years old students in Belgium (M.Ballon, Collège Don Bosco, Brussels).
How to become beautiful ? Cosmetix
The genre of make up that everyone loves !