In Belgium, in Italy, in Greece, in Romania, teachers and their students are exploring and using media representations for a better gender equity.

To train
Online self-training modules to develop teachers’ media literacy skills on gender issues in the media and pop culture
The four modules include theoretical lessons, practical exercises and a whole series of multimedia resources and references.

To be inspired
A methodological approach that makes it possible to investigate and identify students’ media practices, whatever their background
9 ready-to-use learning scenarios mobilise students’ media analysis and production skills in relation to gender stereotypes in the media

To implement
From the experimentation of media education activities with more than 500 students, teachers and trainers have identified good practices and guidelines to use media literacy for a better gender equity at school.
Our partners
A transnational collaboration

This publication has been produced with the financial support of the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the project consortium, and cannot be considered to reflect an official opinion of the European Commission.